Tips to prepare for KCET 2020

Tips to prepare for KCET 2020


Karnataka Education Authority will be conducting the KCET 2020 for admission into various undergraduate courses like Engineering, Agriculture, Yoga & Naturopathy, Veterinary, Farm Science, Pharmacy, etc in the state of Karnataka. The examination will be conducted mainly for four subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology.

The candidates should check the KCET syllabus before they start with the preparation of the examination. The KCET 2020 syllabus is mainly based on Class 11 and Class 12 or PUC syllabus. Going through the syllabus and then preparing for the various topics helps candidates to manage the overall preparation better.

The most important tip to prepare for any competitive exam is to practise solving previous years’ question papers. Therefore, solving KCET question papers of previous years will definitely give the student an edge and the most important armour to brace for the exam.

Some of the advantages of solving question papers of previous years are

  • It helps the student to grasp the question paper patterns that are likely to be followed
  • Students get familiarized with the various topics and their weightage, so that they can plan their time dedicated to preparing the various topics
  • It helps students to solve the questions faster and choose the best approach to solving various types of problems
  • Arms the student with the necessary confidence to attempt the exam

Apart from preparing for the exam using KCET question papers, one can also go for online resources or even appropriate coaching centres to get clarity on critical concepts. While coaching centres are useful to bring in focus for the exam, the preparation and the readiness of the student finally boils down to the amount of time and effort that a student is investing in the exam.

Getting to know the KCET 2020 syllabus and the question paper pattern is perhaps the single most important activity that students can do in the initial stage of preparation.

Studies have proven that shorter study sessions work better than long sessions that might jeopardize your sleep patterns and body cycles. It is better if study time is broken into 1-2 hour sessions spread over 4 to 5 days, instead of having 6 to 7 hour marathon sessions on a single day.

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